Update 'all'

This commit is contained in:
zwnk 2018-11-29 19:34:44 +01:00
parent ec321a2699
commit b294b4530a

View file

@ -10,18 +10,8 @@ $Env:Path = "c:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\"
# creating backup paths
$remoteBackupPath = "\\freenas\programas\VM_Backup"
$backupDriveLetterMount = "L"
$backupFilename = " -o " + $backupDriveLetterMount + ":\" + [string](Get-Date).Year + [string](Get-Date).Month + [string](Get-Date).Day + "_Intranet_Backup.ova"
$backupFilename = $backupDriveLetterMount + ":\" + [string](Get-Date).Year + [string](Get-Date).Month + [string](Get-Date).Day + "_Intranet_Backup.ova"
$vmName = "2018_intranet"
# setting path var to VirtualBox folder
$Reg = "Registry::HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment"
$regex = "[cC]\:\\Program Files\\Oracle\\VirtualBox"
$OldPath = (Get-ItemProperty -Path "$Reg" -Name PATH).Path
# check if PATH is already set
if ( -Not ($OldPath -match $regex)){
Write-host "`nSetting Path Variable to $AddedLocation"
Set-ItemProperty -Path "$Reg" -Name PATH -Value $virtualBoxPath
# mounting backup path New-PSDrive -Name L -Root \\freenas\programas\VM_Backup\ -Persist -PSProvider FileSystem
New-PSDrive -Name $backupDriveLetterMount -Root $remoteBackupPath -Persist -PSProvider FileSystem
@ -29,7 +19,7 @@ New-PSDrive -Name $backupDriveLetterMount -Root $remoteBackupPath -Persist -PSPr
# stoping vm
$vmanagerStopVM = "VBoxManage.exe"
$vmanagerStopVM += @(" controlvm ")
$vmanagerStopVM += @(@vmName)
$vmanagerStopVM += @($vmName)
$vmanagerStopVM += @(" poweroff")
Write-host "$vmanagerStopVM"
Invoke-Expression "$vmanagerStopVM"
@ -39,15 +29,11 @@ $vmanagerBackup = "VBoxManage.exe"
$vmanagerBackup += @(" export ")
$vmanagerBackup += @($vmName)
$vmanagerBackup += @(" --ovf10")
$vmanagerBackup += @(" -o ")
$vmanagerBackup += @([string]$backupFilename)
Write-host "$vmanagerBackup"
Invoke-Expression "$vmanagerBackup"
# remove old Backups
$backupFileCount = ( Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ova $remoteBackupPath | Measure-Object ).Count
$limitDate = (get-date).AddDays(-12).ToString("yyyMMdd")
$backupPath = $backupDriveLetterMount + ":\"
# start vm
$vmanagerStart = "VBoxManage.exe"
$vmanagerStart += @(" startvm ")
@ -56,19 +42,18 @@ $vmanagerStart += @(" -type headless")
Write-host "$vmanagerStart"
Invoke-Expression "$vmanagerStart"
#if ($backupFileCount -gt 3) {
# Get-ChildItem $backupPath |
# ForEach-Object {
# # get actual
# $lasWriteTime = (Get-Content $_.LastWriteTime).ToString("yyMMdd")
# # delete backup files older than 12 days
# if ($lasWriteTime -lt $limitDate ) {
# $fileNameFull = Get-Content $_.FullName
# Remove-Item path $fileNameFull
# }
# }
# }
# remove old Backups
$backupFileCount = ( Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ova $remoteBackupPath | Measure-Object ).Count
$backupPath = $backupDriveLetterMount + ":\"
$Item = Get-ChildItem -Path $remoteBackupPath -Filter *.ova | Sort CreationTime | select -First 1
Write-Host "Oldest file/folder in $FolderName is $($Item.FullName)"
Remove-Item -Path $($Item.FullName) -Force
$backupFileCount = ( Get-ChildItem -Filter *.ova $remoteBackupPath | Measure-Object ).Count
} While ($backupFileCount -gt 3)
# removing backup path
Remove-PSDrive -Name $backupDriveLetterMount